Energy, Gases & Petrochemicals expertise


groundbreaking cemony of a large hydrogen plant in Singapore

Energy & Gases in this section mean : electricity and steam (mainly when produced through cogeneration), and industrial gases (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon oxide and carbon dioxide).

Petrochemicals mean refining and petrochemical products.

Consultancy in this section consists in defining the optimum technical and economical parameters for the integration of the relevant plant or products in an industrial site (exemple: integration of utilities in a petrochemical site).

Attention is particularly paid to the added valueProject optimizationvalorization of the existing by- products and selection of the potential feedstocks are part of the study when applicable.

When ITB is concerned, the attention is paid to the strategy and the wording favorizing the added value from the suppliers.

In the latter case, the « make or buy » analysis is the object of a particular attention when appropriate.